The Still: The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing Company
San Marcos, California
The Drill: Belgian-style Ale brewed with raisins, 25.4oz bottle, 8.0% ABV
The Spill: Immediately after uncorking, the scent of raisins wafts out of the bottle. The ale pours a cloudy caramel color. Unfortunately, like so many Belgian-inspired beers, the bark is more alluring than the bite. The beer is so highly carbonated that the fizz overrides any delicate flavors the drinker is supposed to search for. Once it disappears, search quickly for the breifest hint of malt, rose and clove before the dry alcohol finish evaporates it. About 8 ounces into the bottle, the raisins finally become evident, and by the last glass, a malty richness almost makes up for what you've gone through to get there. This is no sprint; expect to put in a solid hour to experience this libation in its fullest.
Says Bill: Holly and I drank this one on Valentine's Day. She was drawn to the promises made by the description on the bottle, so we gave it a shot. It's typical of a Belgian or Belgian-style beer, which generally isn't really my speed. They're big on fruit and herb flavors, not the malt and hop flavors that distinguish American craft beers, and 25 ounces was far too great an investment for me on this one, especially once Holly threw in the towel and left me to kill the bottle on my own.
Refill?: If Belgians and raisins are your thing, or if you have an incredible amount of patience, give it a try. I won't again, however: 1 tap out of 5.
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