The Still: Sierra Nevvada Brewing Company
Chico, California
The Drill: Pale Ale, 24oz bottle, 6.7% ABV
The Spill: The people at the successful Sierra Nevada Brewing Company went to an extra expense for this beer, claiming to be the first brewery in the Northern Hemisphere to create a beer made from hops grown in the Southern. They picked, dried, and shipped the hops from New Zealand to California in a week to preserve maximum freshness and flavor. The result? Pale ale.
Says Bill: Look, I take nothing away from the folks at Sierra Nevada. Their porter is good, their stout is great, and their pale ale is what put them on the map. I've enjoyed it many times, most notably the day it was dyed green at the St. Patrick's Day wedding of my friends Charlie and Molly in 2007. I drank ten of them that night in true Irish fashion, being the 25-percenter that I am. However, I didn't find anything truly unique about this one that justified all the trouble that they went through to produce it. Frankly, I think they just wanted to have a neat story to put on the outside of their bottle. That said, it's still a fine beer, like Sierra Nevada makes, it just wasn't revolutionary.
Refill?: At least it's proof that they grow something in New Zealand besides sheep: 3 taps out of 5.
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