The Still: Four Peaks Brewing Company
Tempe, Arizona
The Drill: Scottish-style Ale, 12oz bottle, 6.0% ABV
The Spill: With a name like Kiltlifter, a beer ought to have something to prove. The people at Four Peaks describe Kiltlifter as amber colored. Traditionally, this is a no-no for Scottish ales. Their plentiful malts usually darken the color to somewhere in the brown family, and one taste proves that the color isn't the only thing watered down about this beer. It's far off the mark for a good Scottish ale, falling short in every category from maltiness, to robustness, to alcohol content.
Says Bill: This was another beer I picked up on my honeymoon. The Oak Creek beers were decent on tap, but disappointing in bottles. This one I never got to drink on draft. Every one of the beers I had that were crafted in Arizona seem to be made for warm weather rather than extreme experience. This one's just a sad thirst quencher wearing a funny hat with a little orange ball on top.
Refill?: In Arizona, it can sometimes get pretty hot. There. I just made as gross an understatement as this beer does: 1 tap out of 5.
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