The Still: Boston Beer Company
Boston, Massachusetts
The Drill: American Imperial Stout, 12oz bottle, 9.2% ABV
The Spill: Another member of the new Imperial Series, this one's certainly not for the light-hearted. Black and opaque with a rich mocha head, this beer more than lives up to the promise of its name from the moment it's poured. The potent nose is dark with licorice and alcohol, and the full-bodied flavor is intense, featuring the same flavors detected in the aroma, along with sweet, sticky molasses. A good deal of hops adds a sharp bitterness to the already robust, coffee-like bitterness. The mouthfeel is heavy; like a dessert wine, legs stain the glass yellow, and the lacing clings to the sides well. The last pour from the bottle spirals as it travels into the glass. Overall, this beer is intense, dark, bitter, thick, and sexy. Those with a sweet tooth should stand warned: there's no chocolate here - this is a serious stout for serious drinkers.
Says Bill: I decided that the beer I should write about for number 69 should be a beer that's almost as good as sex. This one fits the bill. There are good stouts, and there are great stouts, and this one is a great stout. In fact, I haven't had many that are better. It's a meal in a glass, and I know the same has been said about Guinness, but this is way, way more the case. It's a beer you must savor, a beer in which you must take your time drinking. It's an experience and an endeavor, and not everyone is going to like it this way, but pair this beer up with its perfect partner and you'll have a match made in Heaven. I am that partner, and I bask in its alcoholic afterglow.
Refill?: Yes, yes, yes, in the style of Meg Ryan: 5 taps out of 5.
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