The Still: Michelob Brewing Company
St. Louis, Missouri
The Drill: All-malt ale brewed with pumpkins and spices, 12oz bottle, 5.5% ABV, available in fall
The Spill: Imagine a beer brewed without hops. Now, imagine a beer brewed by Michelob without hops. Now, color it orange. You have Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale. No malt backbone is to be found in this brew, and the pumpkin and spices aren't readily there, either. It's basically orange water that you can only get part of the year.
Says Bill: I usually try to save my opinions for this part of the blog, and use The Spill to provide an accurate representation of what a drinker might experience for him or herself, but frankly, this was the best I could do. I was very disappointed by this beer when I brought it to a party. Then, when I took an empty home (I surrendered the rest to Frank's unlucky fridge), I examined the label and saw the Michelob brand for the first time. It was then that I was no longer surprised by what a letdown this beer was. I have two very good friends, Suki and Brian, who are fellow beer afficionados and live in St. Louis, and I wish all the big corporate American mass-producing beer machines would move out of there so they didn't have to live in a city that caught such a bad rap for making nasty piss beer. Suki and Brian, this is my wish for you, my friends.
Refill?: Look on the bright side: at least you can't buy this crap all year round: 0.5 taps out of 5.
THAT'S why my fridge shelf broke!
ReplyDeleteYeah, this beer was shockingly lame. On a side note, my college roommate and I peeled off Michelob labels from the bottles and wallpapered our closet frame with them. We pretty much covered it all by the end of our freshman year if I'm not mistaken. Not judging the merits of the beer, just pointing out a fact.