The Still: Firestone Walker Brewing Company
Paso Robles, California
The Drill: American Porter, 22oz bottle, 5.9% ABV
The Spill: Robust is a word that's thrown around a great deal in the world of dark beer, but this one lives up to having the word in its name. A rich, heavy beer, laden with dark, bitter coffee notes and dry, roasted malts, it's everything that most dark beer lovers crave. An uncommon find, it's also an uncommon creation for a company whose motto is "Passion For the Pale." However, the folks at Firestone Walker do it up right with this bold American take on a classic English recipe.
Says Bill: I had to choose a beer that I loved in order to make my return to blogging. It's been nearly a month--a very busy month--since I last wrote on this page, and to my fans--all three of you--I sincerely apologize. I hope never to make you wait this long for a new post again, much like I wouldn't want to wait this long between good beers. By the way, this beer just became available again. I found a few cases of it at my local Bevmo. Run out and grab it quick if you want to give it a try.
Refill?: The Robust is a must: 4 taps out of 5.
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