The Still: Widmer Brothers Brewing Company
Portland, Oregon
The Drill: Pale Ale, 12oz bottle, 5.7% ABV
The Spill: This beer pours a deep honey color with a slightly off-white head. The nose is clean and unassuming. The beer has a smooth and drinkable mouthfeel, though not crisp. The mild hops give it a slightly clovey front and body, which gives way to a light but malty finish.
Says Bill: Another late spring foray into the pales, I was surprised by the mildness of this one. Widmer likes their hefeweizen; it put them on the map as their most popular, flagship beer. It's not surprising, then, to taste a little of the same floral esters in this beer as are found in their hef. I suppose that makes it unique, but for me, it's a little confusing as well. For the average beer drinker, however, I'm sure it would be an adventurous hit: not the one-trick hops pony most pales are, for sure, and nothing of the sort that would truly make you wince if bitter's not your thing, but for me, it was a little weak.
Refill?: I guess I'm turning into more of a hop-head than I once thought possible: 2.5 taps out of 5.
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