The Still: Here, I'll give you the name and location of the brewery.
The Drill: This will include what style of beer it is, its alcohol content, and its availability (many craft brews are only available during certain times of the year).
The Spill: Here, to the best of my ability, is where I'll give my description of the beer's characteristics. Mind you, a lot of these beers are ones I haven't tasted for many years, so my descriptions may occasionally be left intentionally vague, although I hope to surprise both myself and you, Dear Reader, with my powers of recollection. Just like the feel of a first kiss, or the aroma of a beloved vacation spot, the mind can sometimes recall sensory input with amazing clarity. To a beer lover such as myself, even words like oaky, bittersweet, roasty, and hoppy can conjure the memory of a certain beer, and even phantom tastes on the palate that left an indelible impression.
Says Bill: Here, I may choose to share a memory about this beer, be it the person with whom I bought it, the person with whom I drank it, a note about the brewery, or something along those lines.
Refill?: Here, I'll give my overall review of the beer, rating it on a tap scale from 0 to 5, where 0 means I wouldn't carry it in my own bar, and 5 means I'd make sure the kegs never went dry.
So that's basically it. Now all I gotta do is start snapping pictures of the bottles and blogging! Oh, one more note: I would love to organize these entries by geography, or alphabetization, or tap rating, or even drinking chronology (which I actually think I could swing if I really put my mind to it), and create a handy index with which you could peruse only the selections of your choosing, but blogspot doesn't appear to be the website on which to do that. It looks I'll need to pay to host a website where I can create separate pages to get that accomplished. Maybe sometime in the future. Meantime, I've chosen to post each entry in completely random order instead. It'll probably have more of the feel of a grab bag than an encyclopedia as a result, but it may end up more entertaining that way.
On to the next pint!
Na Zdrowie,
Sounds good, man. Lookin' forward to hearin' 'bout your 'ills.