The Still: Blue Moon Brewing Company
Golden, Colorado
The Drill: Spring Wheat Ale, 12oz bottle, 5.6% ABV, available in spring.
The Spill: Wheat ale brewed with Kieffer lime leaves and lime peel. The beer's body is light, as is the flavor. Lacking entirely in hops, with a weak malt character as well. The lime zest is ever-so-gently evident, but certainly nothing to write home about. For the inexperienced beer drinker, it's a safe departure from convention.
Says Bill: Blue Moon reached commercial success a few years ago with their flagship Belgian White Ale. It's passable for the hefeweizen crowds, but not ambitious enough for me. Their other beers fall in line with this one - safe, unassuming, and careful not to step on the wrong taste buds. To a beer fan who looks forward to being assaulted by a new brew, the Rising Moon is much too timid.
Refill?: If you're looking for something to cool you down when you're working in the yard for the first time this year, go for it: 1 tap out of 5.
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