The Still: Karl Strauss Brewing Company
San Diego, California
The Drill: Pilsner, 12oz bottle, 4.6% ABV
The Spill: This is a Bohemian-style pilsner, according to the brewers, yet it tastes more like a lager. Buttery yellow in a glass with a white head on top, the nose presents a wet breadiness, rather than one that's dry and clean. The body is smooth and lagery as well, with that self-same breadiness in the mouthfeel. The taste is easy, lightly buttery, with no hoppy bite. Certainly one to please the masses, without any of the skunkiness inherent in the beer produced by the masses.
Says Bill: Not exactly a complex beer (think white bread you can drink), but one you can enjoy several of. And, with it being the season to knock back your fair share to stay cool, the low alcohol will help keep you from getting too warm in the process. This beer has one note, which is uninvasive, but pleasant. It does this singular job well.
Refill?: Go give yourself a Woodie. Better yet, get one from somebody else. You liked that one didn't you? Little devil: 2.5 taps out of 5.
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