The Still: New Belgium Brewing Company
Fort Collins, Colorado
The Drill: Wheat beer, 12oz bottle, 4.8% ABV
The Spill: Advertised by the crafters to be even lighter and more refreshing than a hefeweizen, this beer pours out a light yellow with a white head. The nose promises lightness as well, a crisp, pilsner aroma, with barely a hint of floral hops. The flavor is sweet and clean, with smooth clover accents, and not much else to add. Certainly a light, thirst-quenching beer for the hot days of summer.
Says Bill: I know lots of people like their beer light. Otherwise, there wouldn't be any light beer, would there? As far-reaching as those tastes may be among the uneducated, this one lacks too much in character for me, much like New Belgium's Skinny Dip, which I also reviewed recently. However, we here at Bill's Beer Wall (actually, it's just me) try our (er...my) best to remain impartial, and judge each beer based solely upon its characteristics and those which are to be expected from a beer of its style and caliber. That being said, here's my take on hefeweizen light:
Refill: Sunshine, you do not make me happy when skies are gray, but you deliver as promised: 2 taps out of 5.
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