The Still: Boston Beer Company
Boston, Massachusetts
The Drill: Double Bock Lager, 12oz bottle, 9.5% ABV
The Spill: The third and last in the Imperial Series to be reviewed here, this beer pours brown, as deep, clear and rich as the bottle it lived in. The nose is thick and inviting, nutty and sweet with bountiful malts. The mouthfeel is fuzzy and a bit slick, a telltale sign that nothing was skimped on with regard to high amounts of ingredients. The flavor is just as rich as its appearance and aroma, with a mellow roasty front, a wheat roll body, and a sweetness at the back that lingers well past the finish. The high alcohol is well concealed by the beer's metric ton of character.
Says Bill: I'm drinking this as I write about it, and extemporaneously blogging as I go. Normally, I like to make notes on a beer before I start creating an entry online, but I was dying to have this beer after a long morning of playing plumber, and it was the last one in the fridge, so I knew I had to blog about it while I enjoyed it. Not like it's decreasing my enjoyment of it any. If anything, it's like composing an impromptu love poem to the woman you're lying with while she's still there. Perhaps I'm waxing more romantic because I'm in the heat of the moment as I write this.
Refill?: Since it's a double bock, does it count as a menage-a-trois? 4.5 taps out of 5.
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