The Still: Rogue Ales
Newport, Oregon
The Drill: Maibock, 22oz bottle, 6.5% ABV
The Spill: A classic for bottle collectors, this one actually has a classy beer in it as well. Pouring a hazy, light amber in color with the slightest of off-white heads, this German-style maibock boasts a good deal of fruity malts in the nose, as well as the body. The mouthfeel is bready, and the hop character isn't enormous, but well-balanced to let the malts do their work. The finish is an unusual one, dusty with yeast, which almost cleanses the palate for the next sip.
Says Bill: Dave has a thing for collecting skulls. He bought this beer back when he was just a lowly Bud drinker, and found it impossible to choke down an entire bottle. However, he got his skull out of it, and the urge to have me add it to my collection as well. Nowadays, he'd probably find it passingly good, if a little on the weak side. It's not my style for an everyday beer, but the bottle is pretty cool, I must admit. Especially because this one glows in the dark.
Refill?: Originally dedicated to El Dia De Los Muertos, I propose this beer to be enjoyed on the Fourth of July as well. After all, what do America's forefathers all have in common? They're dead guys, too: 3 taps out of 5.
What's up buddy! Dead guy Ale is the only beer i have when i visit the Downey Brew Co. As you know my friend after those 5 hours on Wed. when we work, we always develope a substatial thirst. most of the time for the past 4 months i've left work just to meet with my buddy Ren and head to the Downey Brew Co. and have 8 to 10 glasses(20 OZ.)of Dead Guy Ale. Both my friend and I get kind of f**ked up. I really like this beer i have'nt had its bigger brother Double Dead Guy Ale but its a treat that i hope to have soon, maybe a 6 pack with my buddy Bill the beer guy. Cheers my friend, see ya at work.