The Still: Buckeye Brewing Company
Lakewood, Ohio
The Drill: Porter with vanilla, 12oz bottle, ABV unknown
The Spill: A rich porter with an equally rich vanilla nose, this beer delivers as promised. The vanilla is not as prevalent in the taste of the beer as in the aroma, but most extra ingredients never are. Still, the beer satisfies those who enjoy their bitter and their sweet equally.
Says Bill: With today being the Fourth of July, I'd be remiss if I didn't include a beer with a red, white and blue label, and this one was the most patriotic one I could find. I had this beer in 2006 when I took Holly back to Ohio with me for the first time. I think my Dad may have gotten this beer for me to try. Holly liked it a lot, and she was just beginning to expand her beer horizons. I don't know if this beer is still being made. Research shows that the Buckeye Brewing Company sold half their business, and the headquarters for the company moved from the east side of Cleveland to the west side. As with any small microbrewery, the list of brews can change constantly, and some may never be seen again.
Refill?: Bottle. Rock it. Happy Fourth, everyone: 3 taps out of 5.
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