The Swill: Mission St. Pale Ale, Mission St. India Pale Ale
The Still: Steinhaus Brewing Company
Paso Robles, California
The Drill: Pale: Pale Ale, 12oz bottle, 4.6% ABV
IPA: India Pale Ale, 12oz bottle, 6.1% ABV
The Spill: The pale pours orange-yellow with a white head. It possesses a good, hoppy, citrusy aroma with a significant sharpness. The flavor is less intense than the nose, but with the same attributes. Still, it's a much mellower beer than it's aroma would lead you to believe.
The IPA pours a light honey color with a white head. Its nose is lighter than its brother brew, hoppy, but without the sharpness or the citrus. The flavor is somewhat hoppier, but still without the boldbness than one would expect from the beer's name and style.
Says Bill: Here's another one of those mystery breweries whose beer, I think, can only be found at Trader Joe's. Steinhaus doesn't have a website, which is rare for a brewing company these days. So rare, in fact, that those that don't are immediately considered suspect by this blogger. Paso Robles is home to the Firestone Walker Brewing Company, whose beers I have enjoyed a good many times. Methinks they've diluted their stuff and sold it to TJ's at a deep discount. It's good, it's just not impressive.
Refill?: Make it your mission to craft some braver beers: 3 taps out of 5.
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