The Still: Bison Brewing
Berkeley, California
The Drill: Stout brewed with cocoa, 22oz bottle, 6.1% ABV
The Spill: Not unlike Rogue's Chocolate Stout, this beer possesses what it takes to live up to its name. Rife with dark, bitter, powdery cocoa notes that compliment a rich and roasty stout body, this beer has everything in it that one would expect when the words "chocolate" and "stout" come together. Even beginning beer drinkers should find something in this beer to latch onto and enjoy, whether it's the sweet, the bitter, or just the good, hunky mouthfeel.
Says Bill: I may be a little heavy on the hyperbole to accurately recount this beer, considering I only had one bottle of it in the winter of 2006-2007. However, I needed to think some pleasant thoughts to help me forget about the last entry I wrote. See, I was drinking a bottle of Honey Moon at the moment I found it was owned by Coors. I swear the taste of the beer actually changed for the worse the moment my eyes scanned those fateful words. Anyway, I digress. This entry is supposed to be about Bison, not Coors, so let's get back to it.
Refill?: Bison is NOT owned by Coors, so definitely: 4 taps out of 5.
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