The Still: Blue Moon Brewing Company
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The Drill: Ale brewed with honey and orange peel, 12oz bottle, 5.6% ABV, available May to August
The Spill: The biggest letdown with most honey beers is that you can't taste the honey. That's not the case with this beer; the honey is prevalent both in the aroma and the flavor, and the orange peel adds an additional sweetness to the brew as well. The problem is that there's no real beer flavor to compliment it, and, as result, the overall taste is a little too sweet. However, if you're looking for beer that doesn't taste like, well, beer, this mellow yellow would be a wise one to reach for.
Says Bill: I get 90% of my information you read on this site from the print on the labels and my own, steel-trap memory. However, occasionally I do a little research, and turn up some interesting findings, like this one: Blue Moon Brewing Company is owned by Coors. That's right. The makers of the cold-activated bottle are the ones who bring you Blue Moon in all of its variations. Now it makes sense: none of the beers I've reviewed by them have ever rated above 1.5 taps, and, now that my mind is tainted with this new knowledge, none of them probably ever will.
Refill?: The honeymoon's over: 1.5 taps out of 5.
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