The Still: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Milton, Delaware
The Drill: Imperial India Pale Ale, 12oz bottle, 9% ABV
The Spill: Many IPAs turn off the undevoted because their generous amounts of hops are too bitter on the palate, but this one is more than just a swift kick in the tastebuds. It's got a big malt addition that combats the hops' tendency to overpower the drinker. The result is an ale that starts sweet and ends bitter, without ever being bittersweet. The nose is deceptively candy-like; it's not until it hits the back of your tongue that the hops truly show their colors. The malts don't disappear at the end entirely, however; the sugars create an almost syrupy mouthfeel, despite the ale's more-or-less typical viscosity.
Says Bill: This is the first live blog I've done on a beer, actually tasting it as I write about it. I first tried it a few months back, and I went shopping today with some gift cards a couple of my thoughtful friends gave me for my birthday (beer store gift cards -- do they know me or what?) and picked up some more. At $12 for a pack of four, it's advisable you spend someone else's money getting it yourself. However, the experience is certainly worth it, so much so that I offered to make a bottle even more expensive by mailing it to my father for him to try. He's the biggest hop head I know personally, and I'm curious as to what his opinion would be on this brew. One thing's for sure: you'd better form your thoughts from the first bottle, because at 9% alcohol, your second will have you thinking funny. Speaking of which, will someone please proofread this entry for spelling errors?
Refill?: This is far and away my favorite IPA. So complex and expertly crafted that I rate it above a good many stouts, and that's saying a lot: 4.5 taps out of 5.
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